18 Feb 2025 • News
Rev. Jeane Françoise has been serving in the Diocese of Gitega mainly as Mothers’Union Coordinator before moving in Bujumbura Diocese in 2015 when she was entrusted with the position of coordinator in charge of Gender, Peace and Justice in the Anglican Provincial office. Rev. Jeanne Françoise has been actively involved in fighting against gender based violence and to advance women’s rights in accordance with christian values and human dignity. On behalf of millions of Burundian women and girls, Rev. Jeanne Françoise has advocated for equity and social justice both nationally and internationally through different forums and conferences.
Together with the leadership of SADC (Service Anglican pour le Développement Communautaire) - the Anglican Service for Community Development, Rev.Jeanne Françoise has strongly contributed to set up the SAFE HOUSE, where thousands of GBV survivors and perpetrators have been assisted and are now acting as agent of change in their communities.
« We all bear the mark of love and gentleness we benefited from Pastor Jeanne, as we all remember how she comforted us the time we were desperate because of the days of darkness we went through following the acts of violence we endured, at least she passed away after seeing us relieved and our hope of life restored », said one of the survivors who attended the funerals ?
Rev. Jeanne Françoise has initiated solidarity groups of GBV survivors who are now committed to fighting against gender based violence in their respective communities but also are contributing to community development as now they are involved in economic activities through small income generating projects.
The Anglican church of Burundi and other faith based organisations particularly the Scripture Union where she served as a volunteer for over 26 years keep in memory the humbleness of a steedfast servant in the church mission.
May her soul rest in peace.