18 Dec 2023 • News
Providing accommodation to visitors, Hall for conferences and socio events and to ensure financial funding for church activities is one of the main sustainable development projects that are currently being conducted in the Anglican Diocese of Rutana. Though the Diocese is at its early age, evidence of restoration of hope in communities to overcome challenges have been recorded.
Regularly, the Anglican Christians and their fellow Christians from other religious confessions support the community works on the construction site of a building that will provide rooms for visitors and a Hall for meetings and events.
In addition to the Gospel that is being preached to communities in Rutana, the Anglican Diocese is also addressing many other unresolved issues that hinders community well-being.
The positive aspect of what the Diocese of Rutana has already achieved is the value of human assets. As Bishop Pontien says: « The Diocese has people committed to bringing changes in their community. Though the resources at their disposal still limited, our people have good will, an open heart to join their efforts for common good and this is our main asset we build on. We value the support of various friends and people who are helping us to carry on the work ».
The Diocese of Rutana in close collaboration with SADC has reached out different communities where hundreds of people are engaged in community development by promoting climate and agriculture resilience activities and community health. People participating in development programs implemented by the Diocese across the province of Rutana are aware of the necessity of ensuring food security and improved health to reach sustainable development. These communities appreciate the support from friends and communities and still relying on their commitment and prayers to achieve more.
In the area of Rutana Province, the Anglican Church is actively involved in the intensification of new agriculture resilience technics that enable community to address food security related issues.