12 Aug 2023 • EAB PRESS
The Diocese of Rumonge proceeded this month of August to the official opening of AMAHORO (Peace) Hospital, a private hospital whose ministerial authorization number has issuedin 2019. At that time this health establishment functioned as a Health Center which offered basic health care. Following the needs that were felt at the community level, the Diocese of Rumonge invested in the extension of the infrastructure in order to accommodate more services.
The construction of this hospital was motivated by the desire of providing to population an access to quality health services. Amahoro Hospital also contributes to the financial funding of the diocesan activities. With a capacity of 122 beds, the population of Rumonge and surrounding regions will benefit from various healthcare services, including those related to malnutrition, particularly of children.
In 2019 when it started, this health facility had 37 employees; currently the Hospital employs 145 people, 13 of whom have been hired by the public health ministry. In a context of extreme unemployment, the Diocese of Rumonge was able to create jobs which enable hundreds of families to get income that contributes to improve their living conditions.
Although this hospital has been able to achieve a lot during the past 4 years, some challenges remain and hinder the performance of this establishment whose potential equals to some of few hospitals in the country. The most recurrent challenges are related to the lack of energy, therefore some devices do not work properly, and the hospital does not yet have an ambulance vehicle and a supply vehicle. Public subsidies are still low while more than 90% of the staff is dependent on the hospital. However, the Diocese appreciates the support and collaboration of partners, mainly the State of Burundi and its partners in the sector of health and other organizations involved in development. This official opening coincided with the celebration of 10th anniversary of the creation of the Diocese of Rumonge.
The Diocese of Bujumbura has been pleased to get more servants as 21 deacons and 19 pastors have been ordained. It was a great joy for Bujumbura Christian University as among the new ordained were many former students from that University. Since few years ago, BCU has trained young church servants from different denominations mainly the Anglican Church of Burundi. Archbishop Emeritus Bernard NTAHOTURI in his sermon has reminded that the main mission that Christ has entrusted the Church still stands even today:” Preaching the Gospel and proclaim the message of reconciliation of God with his people”.
The Bishop of Bujumbura Diocese gave thanks to God as in Ten years over the Administration of the Diocese; there are many things to be thankful for. The church has carried on the evangelization and development activities have been conducted. As he was celebrating his 18 anniversary of ministry, Bishop Eraste said that God has done great things. He stressed that the mission of Bujumbura Diocese will still the same. The new servants are expected to minister according to the need of people and will make sure that the Gospel reach every locality where the Diocese of Bujumbura is called to serve.
Bishop Eraste is grateful for what God has enabled him to achieve during those years, 8 years in the Diocese of Muyinga and 10 in Bujumbura Diocese. During his leadership over the Diocese of Bujumbura since 2013, the church has been involved in sharing the message of reconciliation as the Diocese has gone through crisis of leadership and later the political crisis that has shaken the country in 2015. The Diocese of Bujumbura has also engaged in development activities that aimed to improve life condition of vulnerable people through the support of projects related to Agriculture and climate resilience and economic empowerment.
Some Christians who have participated in that celebration said that the Diocese of Bujumbura has to proclaim the holistic and authentic Gospel than ever in order to build Christianity that is not compromised as the current context seems challenging Christian values and the Gospel of Christ itself.
Christians of St Jean Baptist in Buhiga Diocese and those of Ebenezer Cathedral in Makamba Diocese have been blessed with the big crusade held in those Parishes. People who attended those crusade shared joy and blessings with a team from St Mark’s parish of Ngagara in Bujumbura Diocese which often organises evangelical crusades across different Dioceses.
A team of around 70 people from St Mark’s Parish has collaborated with their fellow Christians of Buhiga and makamba Dioceses to organise those crusades. The purpose is to pray for a revival in the church and the country but also to strengthen the unity and fellowship among Christians. Over 250 people got saved and people have experienced the joy from the Gospel of Christ