Anglican Church of Burundi

EAB PRESS for October

2 Nov 2017 • EAB PRESS


Four hundred people representing religious confessions, community leaders and the education sector in Bururi and Mwaro provinces have been trained to help the community to combat malaria.

The trainings aimed to reach people still living under the threat of malaria by bringing together efforts from teachers in schools and religious and community leaders to spread information related to the fight against malaria to the population.

According to the assessment organized by those involved in the health sector malaria is still the main cause of death among people in Burundi. That situation is worsened by the ignorance of a major part of the population regarding prevention against malaria.

The trainings followed a mass distribution of mosquito nets throughout the country. The use of mosquito nets is the most effective way to fight against malaria but people still need to be trained on how and why they should use them.

The health districts of Bururi, Kibumbu, Mwaro and Ndava are among those districts most seriously affected by malaria. Since the beginning of this year more than 6 million malaria cases have been registered and more than 2,600 people have died.


Agriculture is still the main activity for the majority of Burundian people. However, low production remains a major challenge. In order to help address that issue the Province continues its program of improving agriculture in communities.

Through the partnership with Episcopal Relief and Development, the Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi is supplying improved seeds during this agricultural season to ensure food security for many households. An improved seed of rice will be distributed to farmers living in areas at low attitude while famers who live in high attitude areas will receive improved maize seeds.

Additionally some sessions of training around the production of rice and maize crops have been organized for farmers who are expected to become pioneers in improved and modern farming systems in their community.

The Province is seeking to bring together farmers, especially those who are being trained in modern and improved agriculture to initiate cooperatives that manage the production, improvement and commercialisation of crops.

The Province, as well as thousands of beneficiaries, is satisfied with the steps already taken even though many farmers still need to be supported with seeds and also with skills to build their capacity in modern agricultural techniques.



Torrential rain with strong winds has caused much damage in the Rumonge area. 22 people have been injured among them children who were at school. More than 230 houses, 66 classrooms and 8 church buildings have been destroyed. Those who were injured were quickly evacuated to the main hospital in Rumonge.

Several hectares of fields of bananas and palm trees have been washed away. Communities living in affected area will be unable to expect to harvest in a few months to come and are now distraught as they contemplate some of the difficulties ahead.

“Emergency assistance is needed for hundreds of people who have been affected by that rain”, said local authorities.

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