News for March 2015
29 Mar 2015 • EAB PRESS
The Anglican Church of Burundi is committed to putting an end to gender based violence and is making a significant impact in communities especially in terms of advocating for women and girls at local level.
One of the facilitators of the programme in Makamba shares this story about a nine year old girl who had run away from home because due to poverty her mother was unable to look after her. She had been picked up by a man of about fifty years of age who abused her for many months. A classmate of the girl realised that her friend wasn’t in school any longer and told her mother about it.
I took a risk in rescuing that little girl. None in the community wanted to investigate the case because it was based on rumour. I knew I would act if it was my daughter who was being abused. I could not keep silent.
I asked the local authority to help me but they refused. I contacted different people most of whom were women. One night we went to the man’s home and what we discovered shocked us. The little girl was being treated as if she was his wife.
The man was arrested and handed over to the police and is now serving a long prison sentence.
Malaria kills more people in Burundi than HIV/AIDS. For several years the Anglican Church of Burundi was involved in the distribution of mosquito nets across the dioceses. The campaign has recently been followed up to evaluate how the nets are used and their impact on families.
One woman from an area in the east of the country where malaria affects many people told how the incidence of malaria had reduced in her family. She explained how a few years ago all the family members regularly suffered from malaria. Because they were constantly busy with looking after at least one member of the family who was sick it was difficult for the family to undertake any income generating activity.
The little money they got was used to take care of the sick and to buy drugs. Things changed when she attended meetings organised locally about malaria. She learned to use a mosquito net effectively and when her family became sick to go to the health centre. She now has more income to support her family.
The Religious Confessions Network for the fight against HIV had a two day workshop supported by World Vision and Christian Aid for Church leaders on maternal and child health aimed at mobilising them to commit themselves to the reduction of maternal and child mortality and to population control. They were encouraged to make communities aware of the benefits of consulting health centres and getting qualified assistance.
The commitment of church leaders is recognised as having great value due to their involvement and influence in communities especially in helping to change patterns of behaviour through education.
The Diocese of Gitega has ordained 10 pastors and 4 deacons most of whom are returnees from Tanzania where they served in the Anglican Church.
In his sermon Bishop Martin Nyaboho from the diocese of Makamba stressed the importance of being a servant.He said that a good servant of God is called to work for the gospel in a world that most of the time does not care about the good news of Christ. “Wisdom, patience and faith will be your strength”, said Bishop Martin to the newly ordained.
The Province of the Anglican Church wishes you a happy Easter as we celebrate the resurrection and victory of our Redeemer Jesus Christ.